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  • 发布日期:2010-07-20 00:00:00
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沉香木自古以来就是非常名贵的木料,亦是工艺品最上乘的原材料。明、清两代,宫廷皇室皆崇尚用此木制成各类文房器物,工艺精细,与犀角制作相同。由于沉香木金贵且多朽木细干,用之雕刻,少有大材。因此在拍卖市场上一旦有沉香木制作的大件物品出现,往往会有令人惊讶的表现,其中文房器物又是重中之重。2006年11月23日,一件明·沉香木雕山水人物笔筒在北京匡时拍出了143万元。由于沉香木稍受温,即可散发出芳香,加上大件的沉香木十分罕见,因此在拍卖市场上,常常可以看到一些制作精良的小件,像2003年秋拍上,一件明代圆雕沉香木鸳鸯暖手在中国嘉德,以74.8万元成交。这件圆雕鸳鸯相偎,背上莲叶荷花,并蒂而开,寓意成双成对,大小正适合置于手中,最适合把玩。在2006年春拍,一串清代沉香木手串在中国嘉德以7.7万元成交。手串由18粒沉香木串成,木珠饱满,大小均匀,分别以珊瑚珠及珊瑚葫芦相隔,珊瑚葫芦下坠寿桃、花卉等饰物,高贵典雅。行家指出,拍卖行对沉香拍品的估价并不是评判其市场价值的唯一标准。因为目前沉香木赝品越来越多,需要人们仔细辨别。真正的沉香木可以随着时间的流逝越来越香,而赝品的沉香味不久就会消失变淡。真正的沉香木色泽会随着时间的推移而越来越深,油脂线也会越来越多,这些都是研判真伪的重要标准。 沉香虽然在投资市场上十分火热,但是仿冒品也不少,因此投资者需要谨慎鉴别。对沉香价值的评估主要以香味、产地和含油量来综合评判。好沉香的材质需以天然香材研磨制成,原料使用纯度高。外观上,好沉香表面匀称,不染色,不掉粉,不沾手。好沉香味道清雅耐闻、舒爽。珠海市艺杰商贸有限公司座落在浪漫之城珠海,拥有7000亩的沉香、香水莲花等农副产品种植基地是一家以發展沉香、香水莲花種植,科研於一體的專業公司,經過多年潛心經營研究,公司已擁有一流的沉香研發設備及技術人員,已成功研製出沉香茶、沉香粉、沉香油、沉香珠鏈等沉香系列以及莲花精华素、胎盘素、精华液等產品,並發明沉香樹人工造香术等。公司致力专业生产销售药品袋泡茶、保健食品袋泡茶、花果袋泡茶、食品代用茶、各类红茶、绿茶、乌龙茶及沉香、香水莲花制品等几十个品种。拥有国内设备最齐全的多家袋泡茶生产基地,长期为国内外客户提供袋泡茶的加工以及生产业务。公司法人代表(总经理)陈杰明先生出身于医学世家,自幼跟随父亲行医,熟读中外医学文献。97年起先后在红桃K集团、海南回元堂药业有限公司、陕西诚怡科技有限公司、蚁力神、珠海市奇佳药业有限公司任职,熟悉药品、保健食品、医疗器械、袋泡茶的生产及销售的各个环节。本公司先后与国内外多家药品、食品销售公司达成协议生产加工各类型药品袋泡茶、保健茶、养生茶等。本公司以优质服务,利用优秀工艺,奉献杰出产品,愿为各界提供袋泡茶生产加工(OEM)。产品研发定位:保健食品、健康营养食品、特殊营养食品、疾病营养饮食。产品设计理念:引领国内、外最新的营养健康理念;提供国内、外最新的营养支持配方;运用国内、外最新的生产工艺;掌控国内、外最新的产品质量管理技术;客 户 群 体:中、小型直销企业;综合超级市场、百货商场;OTC连锁药店、医院临床营养项目;国际进、出口业务;专业连锁专卖企业(保健产品专卖店、国内外品牌美容健身中心、纤体连锁机构);我们真诚欢迎业内同仁来人来电洽谈合作! Zhuhai yijie trading co., Ltd. is located in the romantic city of Zhuhai, 7000 acres of Chen incense, perfume Lotus, planting bases is a joint development of protected species aquilaria agallocha, perfume, the implanted Lotus in Trinity's Research Institute, a copyright years metal Heart Sutra operation research, the company has state-of-the-art equipment for use at an inquiry on Aloes and technical personnel, has successfully inquiry process out Aloes tea, Chen incense powder, Aloes oils, aloes Pearl chain, aloes and Lotus flower essence, placental, essential liquid products, and development-Ming Chen incense tree (man-made incense, and so on. The company is committed to the professional production and marketing of pharmaceuticals, health food tea leaves, fruit and flower tea bags, food substitute of tea, black tea, green tea, oolong, dozens of varieties of tea. Domestic equipment of a number of tea production base to offer tea processing and production business. The corporate representative (General Manager)-strong-ming was born in the manner of medical families, followed, read the medical literature. Since 1997, in red peach K group, of Hainan back to Tang herbal technologies co., Ltd., Shaanxi Yuan-Cheng Yi technology co., Ltd., yilishen, kica pharmaceutical co., Ltd., familiar with drugs, health food, medical equipment, tea production and sales. This company has a number of local and overseas sales of medicines, food production and processing companies, as well as various drugs tea, tea, healthy tea, etc. Our company with high-quality services, utilizing excellent technology, offer outstanding products, providing tea production and processing (OEM).Product development: the health food, health, nutritional food, nutritional food, disease diet.Product design concept: leading domestic and foreign State-of-the-art nutrition health concept; to provide domestic and foreign State-of-the-art nutrition support formula; the use of domestic and foreign State-of-the-art production technology; control of its domestic and foreign State-of-the-art product quality management techniques;Customer groups: small and medium-sized direct selling company; and integration of supermarkets, Department stores; OTC chain drugstore, hospital clinical nutrition project; international import and export business; major chain stores (health product stores, domestic and international brand beauty and fitness center, slimming chain organization); we sincerely welcome Associates to discuss cooperation!
  • 公司名称:珠海市艺杰商贸有限公司
  • 联 系 人:陈杰明
  • 联系电话:-86-756-8653211/15728290411
  • 手机:shouji
  • 电子邮箱:
  • 邮政编码:519070
  • 地    址:中国广东珠海市香洲区前山明
  • 公司网址:http://zhyjsm.cn.alibaba.com